IMPORTANT PATIENT INFORMATION: With California announcing its Reopening, there have been many questions from patients. On June 15, California will fully reopen the economy again and California will no longer operate under the color-coded Blueprint for a Safer Economy tiered framework, and will instead adopt Beyond the Blueprint.
What this means to our patients:
Masks will still be required for all patients and staff in the office, regardless of vaccination status because we fall into the Healthcare Setting Rule.
While there are no restrictions for patients for physical distancing, we will still be recommending that patients respect other patient’s personal space, and follow signage in our office.
With no restrictions in capacity limitations or physical distancing, we will now be allowing patients to sit next to each other in the lobby.
If any patient does not feel comfortable being next to another patient in the lobby, you can still check-in at the front desk, then wait outside (or in your car) and request we call you to come inside when we are ready for you.